About The
The Website Design Competition is initiated by Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC) in line with the Penang Young Digital Talent program goal which is to develop 1000 talents in 2 years starting from 2021. This program will be a competition-based online event.
In fact, website designing is one of the most demanding skills during the pandemic. The purpose of this competition is to strive Penang youth’s capability and creativity to create motivation to enhance their skill set in website designing. With the collaboration of several co-organizers and sponsors, we urge to make a digital transformation in Penang youth.
Competition Makes Us Better
We Strive To Empower Young Digital Talent

We aim to empower the participants to develop their creativity and innovativity.
We aim to encourage the participants to add value to their personal profiles.
We aim to produce youth capable of striving in the digitalized era.
We aim to develop Penang into a digital talent hub aligned with our vision.
"Clearly, the thing that's transforming is not the technology --- It's the technology that is transforming you."
- Jeanne W. Ross
Cash Prize
RM 7500
1st Runner-Up
RM 5000
2nd Runner-Up
RM 2500
– Top 3 winners will receive a certificate for the achievement.
– All participants will receive a certificate for the participation.
Why Should You Join?
Everything is free. Thanks to our sponsors, free domain and hosting will be provided.
Our competition provides exciting cash prizes and benefits to the participants.
We organize workshops that teach you essential skills about website design.
Not only designing, you will be required to develop the website starting from zero.

Adapting to the full process of website creation starting from the scratch.
Expand your networking
and meet new people that have the same interest.
Don’t miss the chance to showcase your skills and talent via competition.
Gain valuable expertise by designing and developing the website.
"Throughout the competition, I have learned a lot about website creation and built my first ever website! This competition is fun and great! I definitely will join again!"
Steammer Sheng
Participant, Website Design Competition 2021
Competition Schedule
Launching & Registration
1 Jun 2022 – 1 Jul 2022
Preparation & Submission
1 Jul 2022 – 31 Aug 2022
Judging & Top 10 Announcement
1 Sept 2022 – 30 Sept 2022
Presentation & Award Ceremony
15 Oct 2022
Who can join this competition?
Youth aged between 17 to 35 who are studying full time in Penang College or University are eligible to join this competition. Participants with or without computing background are eligible to participate in this competition. The eligibility will be based on the IC number or letter from institutions.
Participants can register in a group of 3 or up to a maximum of 4. All team members must contribute their effort towards this competition. All tasks should be distributed equally among team members.
Do I need to pay?
Nope, everything is 100% free. Thanks to our sponsors, every team will get a free domain and hosting to build the website. This competition is free to register, the workshops are also free to join. The tools that you used to build the website must be free to use too. Paid tools such as premium plugins and themes are not allowed.
I have no knowledge related to web design, can I still join?
Yes, we welcome anyone to join this competition. We have a series of workshops that are beginner-friendly that will teach you anything you need to know about website design and development. You can take this opportunity to learn and build your first website!
Can I use pre-made template?
No pre-made templates are allowed for this competition. You must design and build the website from scratch. Your team will be disqualified if your website is using template.
Can I use any images / videos that I found from the Internet?
No, those images and videos are copyrighted. You cannot use any of them without permission. We suggest that you can use the photos that are taken by you or your team members. You also can use royalty-free and copyright-free images / videos, those can be used freely by anyone.
The submission must adhere to copyright law & regulations. All graphic and multimedia components used in the competition must be granted permission before using the file. (Such as photos, graphics, and sounds). We will not hold any responsibility if any copyright issues were to arise.
Website Design Competition is coming soon.
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